Puketapu- Bell Block


Dillon Drive, Bell Block 4312



Monday- Friday

Kindergarten Day: 8:45am – 2:45pm

Morning Session: 8:45am – 11.45am

Afternoon Session: 11.45am- 2.45pm



The staff at Puketapu Kindergarten consists of a teaching team of four  and  a Kindergarten Administrator.

The group size is a maximum of 30 children aged 2- 6 years.



Ph (06) 755 1366 | Mobile (027) 847 0964 | puketapu@kindergartentaranaki.co.nz



Now offering 30 hours free for all children over the age of two.


A fee of $6.00 per hour applies if you have attested any of your 20 ECE hours at another service


Term one: Monday 22 January to Friday 12 July

Term two: Monday 22 July to Friday 20 December


Kindergarten closed: 

Tuesday 6 February
Monday 11 March, Friday 29 March
Monday 1 April
Friday 19 April (Teacher Professional Development day)
Thursday 25 April
Monday 3 June, Friday 28 June
Monday 15 to Friday 19 July
Monday 2 September (Teacher Professional Development day)
Monday 28 October


Nau mai, haere mai ki Puketapu Kindergarten. Thank you for taking the time to look at our place to be a potential learning environment for your child/ren.

We are a friendly, supportive and fun kindergarten that encourages and supports children to be confident, courageous and compassionate life-long learners. Our children lead their learning and are supported by experienced and knowledgable kaiako/teachers. We value relationships with whānau, tamariki, the community and each other.  These are at the forefront of everything we do.


We value learning that is authentic and led by children. We support children to be confident in all areas of their learning, which also includes self help moments. Having courage to speak up for themselves, for a friend or their environment is important and an area that we foster strongly. Developing compassion towards their learning environment, friends and kaiako is a disposition that is valued and fostered here.


Our Kindergarten Environment
We have an amazing kindergarten environment. Our inside area has a variety of spaces for our tamariki to play and learn in. We make it feel like a home away from home, and are always working on improving this.  Our outside area is large and has an abundance of fruit trees and shrubs.  We are an Enviroschools kindergarten and thrive on sustainabiity practices. Our tamariki are able to be risk takers to learn what their capabilities are.


Whānau Comments
“Our whanau love Puketapu Kindergarten. The staff are soo amazing and welcoming each and every day and it honestly feels like our 2nd home. The team always have great activities set up to cater for all the children’s needs. I love how my daughter comes home dirty and that’s because her messy play needs have been met”.


“Puketapu Kindergarten was the perfect choice for our child. Every morning, we are greeted through the gates with open smiles by all the teachers, and an environment equipped to deal with the busy bodies of inquisitive pre-schoolers. My child enjoys the safe and playful environment which is filled with an abundance of toys and activity stations both indoors and in the garden area; he is allowed to freely explore these activities with the guidance and support of the teachers. Puketapu Kindergarten fills my child’s cup with daily love, support, and nurturing, and has provided him nothing but the best start in his early years”.