Children learn best in an environment where they feel safe, secure and valued. We provide an environment that supports their sense of belonging and well-being, while embracing individual strengths, aspirations, needs and interests. Te Whāriki is interwoven through all curriculum engagements where teachers are seen as co-researchers and learners.
All individuals are respected, valued and seen as leaders. Teachers aspire to provide quality learning engagements where children can explore and create. The kindergarten embraces the support of the Association and guidance given by management. Professional practice is paramount.
Teachers are passionate, innovative and enthusiastic and create an environment which upholds the bi-cultural heritage of New Zealand/Aotearoa, and the Principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi. We also treasure the diversity of other cultures within our community and celebrate these. Respectful, collegial and collaborative relationships between all individuals support the child’s positive self-image and shapes their experiences as life-long learners.
The learning environment with its Reggio Emelia influences, combined with the children’s natural curiosity and interests will inspire and shape our curriculum. Teachers, children, and parents/whānau value and respect Papatūānuku –our land. We embrace Papatūānuku through our weekly bushwalks and care for our environment.