Orapa (Waitara)


10 Wood St, Waitara 4320



Monday to Friday

Kindergarten Day: 8:30am – 2:30pm

Morning Session: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Afternoon Session: 12:00pm – 2:30pm



The staff at Orapa Kindergarten consists of a teaching team of four,  a Kindergarten Administrator, a Cook and a Van Driver.

The group size is a maximum of 30 children aged 2- 6 years.



We are a food service kindergarten and provide cooked meals for tamariki every day.



We offer a pick up and drop off van service within our community.



Ph (06) 754 7829 | Mobile (027) 785 1215 | orapa@kindergartentaranaki.co.nz



Now offering 30 hours free for all children over the age of two.


A fee of $6.00 per hour applies if you have attested any of your 20 ECE hours at another service


Term one:
Monday 22 January to Friday 12 July

Term two:
Monday 22 July to Friday 20 December


Kindergarten closed: 

Tuesday 6 February
Monday 11 March, Friday 29 March
Monday 1 April
Friday 19 April (Teacher Professional Development day)
Thursday 25 April
Monday 3 June, Friday 28 June
Monday 15 to Friday 19 July
Monday 2 September (Teacher Professional Development day)
Monday 28 October


10 Wood St, Waitara 4320



Monday to Friday

Kindergarten Day: 8:30am – 2:30pm

Morning Session: 8:30am – 12:00pm

Afternoon Session: 12:00pm – 2:30pm



The staff at Orapa Kindergarten consists of a teaching team of four,  a Kindergarten Administrator, a Cook/Van Driver and a Teacher Aide.

The group size is a maximum of 30 children aged 2- 6 years.



Ph (06) 754 7829 | Mobile (027) 785 1215 | orapa@kindergartentaranaki.co.nz



20 hours free from 2 years old. $2.00 per hour for additional hours* (Note: $6.00 per hour if you have attested any of your 20 ECE hours at another service)

Full time, part time and casual enrolments are offered and tailored to meet the needs of families.
Children may be enrolled on the ‘Waiting List’ from 2 years of age and are most welcome to make regular ‘play visits’ accompanied by a family member.

Transport Service – provided (No charge)
Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided for all children (No charge)


Teaching and Learning

At Orapa Kindergarten teaching practices and learning experiences for children are guided by the cultures, values, beliefs and aspirations of families and whānau. Warm and trusting relationships are built in a welcoming, nurturing and safe environment where whanau participation in the programme is welcomed.

Tamariki/children are encouraged to:

  • support each other (tuakana-teina), and become socially confident and competent.
  • drive their own learning, explore and make discoveries
  • develop positive attitudes to learning i.e. perseverance, responsibility, independence, confidence to take on new challenges


A strong emphasis is placed on promoting the physical well being and safety of children.

  • Tamariki/children are encouraged to develop healthy eating choices to maximise productive learning.
  • The expansive outdoor play area provides opportunities for tamariki to develop physical well being through activities i.e. athletics, sports, yoga, skipping, creative movement and more
  • Tamariki learn skills such as turn taking and sharing, problem solving, negotiating in an environment where rules and boundaries are fair and safe.


At Orapa Kindergarten children learn with and alongside others in a warm, friendly supported environment where they:

  • Are safe in a secure environment
  • Have fun while learning


Orapa Kindergarten:

  • Has a large well equipped indoor and outdoor play area, with an expansive all weather veranda
  • Encourages the development of independant learning skills
  • Is committed to providing an up to date learning environment
  • Teachers are committed to professional development
  • Welcomes visitors and enquiries


“Interactions are warm, encouraging and inclusive. Children play and learn cooperatively. Adult conversations with children are respectful and affirming.”

“The well-resourced and inviting environment is highly conducive to children’s wellbeing, exploration and engagement in learning. Children are motivated, involved and challenged. They are encouraged to make decisions, take responsibility and become independent.
Child initiated, imaginative play is very evident. Children take advantage of regular opportunities to engage in sustained independent and small group activities. Literacy and numeracy concepts are effectively integrated within the daily programme.”

“A bicultural perspective is positively reflected throughout the kindergarten. Regular use of te reo Maori and practices that incorporate tikanga Maori successfully promote Aotearoa’s dual heritage.”



  • NZ Kindergarten Cultural Award
  • Heart Foundation Healthy Heart Award
  • Jump Rope for Heart


“The team at Orapa Kindergarten consistently promote and support healthy heart messages in a non-judgmental, supportive and realistic manner. They ‘walk the talk’ by role modelling and being all inclusive. Orapa is an exceptional kindergarten.”

Anne Berrie: Heart Foundation Health Promotion Coordinator


“It has been an absolute pleasure reading about all of the amazing activities you have been doing around food and movement. The efforts you have made around whānau engagement and collaboration are some of the best I have seen. You should be extremely proud. Congratulations.”

Ainslie: Heart Foundation ECE Programme Manager