

357 Tukapa St, New Plymouth 4310



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8.45 am – 2.45 pm

Thursday and Friday 8.45 am – 2.45 pm

Monday to Friday 8.45 am – 2.45 pm



The staff at Kahikatea Kindergarten consists of a teaching team of six and  a Kindergarten Administrator.


The group size is a maximum of 40 children aged 2–6 years.



Ph (06) 753 4989  | Mobile (027) 812 0520 | kahikatea@kindergartentaranaki.co.nz



Now offering 30 hours free for all children over the age of two.


A fee of $6.00 per hour applies if you have attested any of your 20 ECE hours at another service


Term one:
Monday 22 January to Friday 12 July

Term two:
Monday 22 July to Friday 20 December


Kindergarten closed: 

Tuesday 6 February
Monday 11 March, Friday 29 March
Monday 1 April
Friday 19 April (Teacher Professional Development day)
Thursday 25 April
Monday 3 June, Friday 28 June
Monday 15 to Friday 19 July
Monday 2 September (Teacher Professional Development day)
Monday 28 October

Children are at the heart of our philosophy with our program being driven by children’s passions, strengths and interests.

We celebrate and support families in their parenting role and provide an environment that is inclusive of all.

The uniqueness of each child is valued and promoted empowering children to see themselves as independent, confident learners.

We model and nurture children to become socially competent, developing positive and respectful relationships.

Children actively explore our safe, exciting and challenging playground. They take risks, have fun and engage in wonderful dramatic and imaginative play with their friends.


Parents comments:

“Thank you all so much for all you have done for Lauren over the past year. Her confidence has grown so much and she is now such a happy, joy filled little girl. Thank you for all your nurturing and support” – Shelley & Jonathan

“Thank you so much for making Greer’s start to her education an exciting, supportive and energetic one. You are such a great crew. We couldn’t be more happy with Greer’s Kindy years. Thank you so very much” – Wendy & Rob

He iti te mokoroa nāna te kahikatea i kakati (Even the small can make a big impact on the big)